Online Clipboard

Your Ideas, Anytime, Anywhere with Our Online Clipboard!
Online Clipboard is a cost-free web-based tool designed to facilitate seamless copying and pasting across multiple devices. This efficient utility enables users to effortlessly copy and transfer both text and files between different platforms.
Steps to use online clipboard
  • Start by choosing the desired text or file that you want to copy to another device. You can achieve this by either typing the content into the provided text box or copying it from its original source.
  • Once you have selected the text or file, proceed to transfer it to the Online Clipboard by clicking on the designated button specifically designed for this purpose. This action securely stores your content within the Online Clipboard.
  • When you want to access the copied text or file on another device, navigate to the target device and open the Online Clipboard interface. To retrieve your content, enter the corresponding pin provided during the initial copying process.
By following these steps, you can conveniently and securely copy and transfer your text or file between devices using the Online Clipboard tool.



Policies & Terms of Service
  • We prioritize the security and privacy of your data. Online Clipboard encrypts your messages, ensuring that only you and the intended recipients have access to the content. Your information remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access.
  • we have implemented a policy where your data is stored for a limited duration of 24 hours. After this time period, your data is automatically erased from our system. This ensures that your information remains confidential and is not retained longer than necessary. We are committed to maintaining a high level of data security and respecting your privacy throughout your experience with our Online Clipboard tool.
  • To accommodate a variety of file types and ensure efficient usage of our Online Clipboard tool, we have set the maximum file size limit to 100 MB. This means that you can upload files with a size of up to 100 megabytes. This restriction helps maintain optimal performance and ensures a smooth user experience when working with larger files.